ECO project (powered by Syndeseas)

Imatge de capçalera
Veure vídeo
Finançat el 27 / 11 / 2021
£ 6,882
£ 6,851
£ 42,822
9 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 9


    **For donations of 10.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **- Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Backer

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 00 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 30


    **For donations of 35.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **-Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Supporter.
    -Free participation to one of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (1 participant) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 01 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 43

    Key Supporter

    **For donations of 50.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **-Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Contributor
    -¼ A4 page ad in eco e-Magazine
    -Free participation to two of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (1 participant) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 03 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 86


    **For donations of 100.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **-Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Contributor
    -¼ A4 page ad in eco e-Magazine
    -Free participation to all of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (1 participant) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 03 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 214

    Key Contributor

    **For donations of 250.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    -Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Key Contributor
    -¼ A4 page ad and ¼ page publication
    in eco e-Magazine
    -Free participation to all of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (1 participant) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 00 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 642

    Bronze Sponsor & Key Contributor

    **For donations of 750.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **-Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Bronze Sponsor & Key Contributor
    -1/2 A4 page ad and 1/2 page publication in eco e-Magazine (refer to Note #2)
    -Ad as Bronze Sponsor in project online page / social media and ad in all project related publications for 2021-2022
    -50% of contribution worth of Syndeseas Services (EU MRV / IMO DCS / EEXI / CII / IHM) (refer to Note #2)
    -Free participation to all of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (2 participants) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 00 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 856

    Silver Sponsor & Key Contributor

    **For donations of 1000.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **-Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Silver Sponsor & Key Contributor
    -Full A4 page ad and one-page publication in eco e-Magazine (refer to Note #2)
    -Ad as Silver Sponsor in project online page / social media and ad in all project related publications for 2021-2022
    -50% of contribution worth of Syndeseas Services (EU MRV / IMO DCS / EEXI / CII / IHM) (refer to Note #2)
    -Free participation to all of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (3 participants) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 00 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 2,141

    Golden Sponsor & Key Contributor

    **For donations of 2500.00 euro and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **-Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Golden Sponsor & Key Contributor
    -Full A4 page ad, one-page publication and representative's interview in eco e-Magazine (refer to Note #2)
    -Ad as Golden Sponsor in project online page / social media and ad in all project related publications for 2021-2022
    -50% of contribution worth of Syndeseas Services (EU MRV / IMO DCS / EEXI / CII / IHM) (refer to Note #2)
    -Free participation to all of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (4 participants) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 01 Cofinançadors
  • Aportant £ 4,282

    Platinum Sponsor & Key Contributor

    **For donations of 5000.00 euro and above, and/or in kind contribution valuated up to that amount, the following Rewards apply:

    **-Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition as eco project Platinum Sponsor & Key Contributor
    -2 full A4 pages ad, two-pages publication and representative's main interview in eco e-Magazine (refer to Note #2)
    -Ad as Platinum Sponsor in project online page / social media and ad in all project related publications for 2021-2022
    -50% of contribution worth of Syndeseas Services (EU MRV / IMO DCS / EEXI / CII / IHM) (refer to Note #2)
    -Free participation to all of Syndeseas training courses to be held in 2021-2022 (6 participants) (refer to Note #2)

    Note #1: All individuals/ companies supporting the campaign with monetary or in kind contribution, will be mentioned in a detailed list in eco e-Magazine and on the project online page/social media

    Note #2: Any of the benefits / rewards marked , due to their nature can be allocated to any individual(s) / company(ies) the sponsor / contributor decides, by providing them the reward e-card.

    > 01 Cofinançadors
El retorn col.lectiu, un cop acabada la campanya a Goteo, ja és accessible des de la pàgina del projecte.
En breu acabem la 2a ronda del nostre Goteo, aquí pots seguir els darrers detalls (fes clic)
Ho hem aconseguit! Campanya cofinançada a Goteo gràcies a molta gent ;)
Quasi, quasi, quasi estem... Com acabarà aquest Goteo? Fes clic per saber qui ens ha recolzat ja.
A una setmana del tot o res, no tens res a perdre perquè juntes ho podem tot.
20 dies de campanya a Goteo, i tot un món per davant! T'animes a ajudar-nos també amb això? (fes clic)
Això ja quasi està fet, és a tot o res però ho podem aconseguir!
Portem una setmana de campanya a Goteo. Saps a qui ens dirigim?
Estem en campanya perquè volem aconseguir aquests objectius (clic)
Coneixes el nostre projecte? Aquí + info sobre qui som.
Això és un suport sensacional: donació de 2.500€ a la campanya. Super-agraïment!
Primer parell de donacions, gràcies! :)